White Station has started the festivities in honor of the Virgen del Pilar, patron saint of the parish of Blanca, with a pilgrimage to the Holy moved to the Source of Javé.
The act of pilgrimage is launching a week of festivities organized from the council of Celebration of the City of White "one more year the religious focus on the cornerstone of these celebrations, compatible with the fun and joy we all share during this time, "claimed Ester Horton, Councillor of Celebration.
The big day of these holidays coincide with the Feast Day of Pilar which has prepared various events, featuring a free barbecue for all participants to be held after the mass orchard with floral offering to the Virgen del Pilar, which by evening will be accompanied by the Queens and Maids of Honour in a procession through the streets.
Featured acts during the week of festivities are the night and the subsequent gachasmigas pajama party prepared for Wednesday from 8 to 21 hours, the traditional charamita it through the streets of the town on Friday 10 at 24 pm and Saturday 11 at 9:30 for the first time, there will be a display of model aircraft in the Landing Road and in the evening, at 17:30, the parade will be held with prizes of 150 floats, 60 and 50 euros for the first, second and third place respectively.
The festivities end on Monday 13 with various activities for children who can enjoy a playground with inflatable ball house and other attractions, and the performance of the Wizard Remix.
10:00 am
Moving pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin of Pilar to the Source of Javé.
13:15 h.
Mass; Place: Javé
14:00 pm
Tortillas II Contest, Place: The Java (will be awarded to the larger and better tasting)
20:30 pm
Top Championship dominoes; Place: Social
20:00 pm
On the lighting of Events
21:00 pm
Gachasmigas night.
Holiday Park
21:30 h.
"Pajama Party."
Organizers: Snack
18:00 pm
Opening of the Sports Centre the following activities:
Soccer-room party combined against White Station White FS
Friendly Basketball game between teams from White CB
Table Tennis
Then spectacular Mascletá
22:30 pm
Presentation and Coronation of the homecoming queen and her court.
Orchestra provides the music for Dolce Vita
18:30 pm
Mass for the elderly and sick
20:00 pm
Parallel 24 hours Darts and Ping Pong
22:30 pm
Variety Magazine: Copla with Antolin Doors, Entredós Ballet, Song Spanish with Ana Najera, Najera Ana Parodies and Humor JM Santiago and José Manuel Santiago.
24:00 pm
Traditional Charamita every street
09:30 h.
I Display Model Aircraft.
Location: Crta The Landing, km 5
11:30 am
Petanque Competition.
Location: C / Sierra de la Pila
17:30 h.
Parade Floats
First Prize 150 euros
Second prize € 60
Third prize $ 50
22:30 pm
The orchestra Verbena Jaguar
23:30 Rosario Grande Gozo a day of our patron saint with ringing of bells.
Location: Our Lady of Pilar Church
00:30 pm
Starring the legendary Micky
10:00 am
Firecrackers and rockets firing
12:30 pm
Solemn Mass orchard with floral offering to the Virgen del Pilar
Barbecue for all.
Location: Park
Procession of the Virgen del Pilar accompanied by the Queens and the Festival 2008 and the musical group from White.
As u coming to church will be a fireworks display
Watercolor Orchestra Performance
11:30 to 14:00 h.
Playground: Inflatable Clown Slide, Jumping Smurfs Cottage Tea Ball Track and ciclokarts
16:30 to 18:30 h.
Continued Playground
18:30 Children's entertainment "The Wizard Remix."
Location: CP Virgen del Pilar
Weekend Events
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca