White City Council approved in plenary ordinary session held in the evening yesterday, the Municipal Budget for 2016 totaling the amount of 5,737,976.36 euros, representing a reduction of 154,870.18 euros, compared the budget of previous "trying to provide realism to it," said Mayor White, Pedro Luis Molina.
The municipal budget went ahead with the votes in favor of the Municipal Group Socialist (4) Citizens (1) White can (2), the latter voted against in the previous session by a late change in the departure of staff politician who was destined for the contingency fund, from which "we were not informed in advance" as explained Francisco Javier Rodriguez, spokeswoman Blanca May.
On this occasion, and after discussions with the Municipal Socialist Group, were accepted by Blanca Can I change in the last minute.
Was the mayor, Pedro Luis Molina, who broke down in the last full budget items where it emphasized that the budget the foundation of the project that the new government team has for this legislature are sitting, according to the mayor, those of create opportunities for entrepreneurship and promoting employment, protecting the most vulnerable and bet on partnership and participation.
For Molina it is a "prudent and realistic" with the primary objective of maintaining municipal utilities, social demands "caused by the crisis" and contribute to the economic recovery with the "promotion of employment, association budget and citizen participation, "said the mayor who described the budget as" social, responsible and future where service delivery is ensured and tax increases and privatization is avoided ".
Mayor White described the municipal budget as "very tight and made under a prudent approach in which to comply with the Adjustment Plan." In this sense, the mayor said that the accounts of the City Council are subject to 2022 for "strict" plan of adjustment resulting from the provider payment mechanisms to the Consistory had to qualify in 2012.
For Molina, the budget should be noted the increase from current transfers or subsidies where there has been an expansion from the previous year, demonstrating "a clear commitment to enterprise, employment promotion, partnership and Social services. "
In total, the amount allocated for this chapter amounts to 156,700 euros, representing an increase of 38,300 euros.
Personnel expenses amounted to 2,791,253 euros so the game has increased in 313,200 euros due.
This increase are given according to the first edil- for recognition of a portion of the bonus that did not receive in 2012 and the implementation of the Employment Workshop and the Center for Interpretation of Nature, with 220 thousand and 50 thousand euros respectively.
Regarding current expenditure, Chapter II 2,098,356 euros matter where there is an increase because of the resources allocated to the Residence and Day Centre as a result of the agreement with the Autonomous Community.
As for investments, we have included the credits to execute the investments detailed in Annex investments, with performances scheduled on public roads, parks, public buildings, implementation of e-government services and sanitation, as well as the co-funded project 'Arts District' and a series of performances.
The budget revenue has been done wisely.
For this "we have based the settlement of previous years, estimated patterns, forecasts for the current year and reports made by the municipal officers" as explained Pedro Luis Molina.
The Excise will not experience change globally freezing the rates of direct taxes, IBI, IAE, IVTM and IVTNU in anticipation of "introduce progressivity in the same in the coming year to reduce the tax burden of the poorest" said blanqueño first mayor.
Regarding indirect taxes, they experience a decrease of 20 percent in order to make them "more realistic and taking into account the principle of prudence that rules the entire budget".
Revenues under chapter three of fees, public prices and other income were also calculated by realistic estimate amounting to 1,060,182 euros.
A lower amount to the previous year although "increased inspection efforts with violations to justice will increase tax revenue."
As capital transfers is reflected the Plan of Works and Services, with a capital grant for the regeneration of the riverside, in part because "investments in our municipality presented at the Regional Assembly for the 2016 budget ".
In order to further implement the principle of transparency, from the city council it takes due account of its financial obligations www.blanca.es your web page in the section on Economic Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca