The City of White approved in ordinary session held in the city last night, the Municipal Budget for the year 2015 amounted to the sum of 5.8 million euros.
The council of finance, Tania Maria Cano, broke down the budget items which highlighted that "the Department of Social Action remains our priority and which percentage of the budget has been earmarked him 19% which is more than one million euros
The City of White passed last night at full ordinary session, the Municipal Budget for the year 2015 amounting to the amount of 5,892,846.54 euros, representing an increase of almost 600 thousand euros compared to the previous year.
The council of finance, Tania Maria Cano, broke down the budget lines which highlights the allocation area of ​​Social Action returns to take the largest share of the expenditure budget by 19% corresponding to the total amount of 1,127,354 euros.
Within the spending budget, the mayor of Finance said that "continue to have a contingency fund this time in chapter V of current expenditure, which will go on to meet needs of non discretionary and not provided for in the Initial Budget, may arise throughout the year. "
Municipal Budget Cano described as "very technical, very real and very austere" where you meet the ratios required by the administration regarding indebtedness, limit spending and budgetary stability "in line with recent years, with a significant cost containment, control and transparency in the management of purchases from each of the departments, and other measures to resource optimization and cost control, "stressed the mayor blanqueña.
In order to further implement the principle of transparency, responsible for the finance minister said that since the city council gives due regard to their financial obligations on their website, Section of Economic Services with in order to "boost publicity for a more complete and easy access that contributes to accountability and better management control of public information."
For Cano, the budget should be noted that "of the nearly 5 million that make up the forecast current spending by 2014, half will go to cover staff costs, 43 percent goes to spending on current goods and services 4 per cent interest charges and just over 2 percent remaining expenditure on current transfers.
Personnel expenses amounted to 478,072 euros, representing 42 percent of the expenditure budget where "there is a correlation between the appropriations entered in this chapter and Appendix of this local authority staff for this financial year, complying with the provisions and in accordance with the Draft Budget for 2015 "
Chapter II running costs 1,958,404 euros matter with reduced 494,690 euros which represents 7.62% from the previous year.
"We continue with our policy of austerity, containment and control expenditure, and thus the total budgetary appropriations for current operations are considered sufficient to meet the obligations payable to the Corporation, and expenses arising from the operation of existing services now in this City, "stated the council of finance.
As for investments, this year will allocate 446,387 that the city council devoted to the implementation of all matters relating to eGovernment, the adequacy of urban environments, replacing interactive spaces for furniture and fixtures, and improvement of sports facilities.
These investments will be funded, according to the mayor blanqueña with affected resources from grants or transfers of capital and own funds.
The revenue budget is preceded, as Cano explained by an adaptation of forecasts based on real economic scenario "applying the principles laid down in the rules of budgetary stability, such as a cash, accrual and prudence" .
Revenues in Chapters 1 and 2, direct and indirect State Budget Income taxes account for 31 percent of current revenues.
"In particular direct taxes such as IBI urban and rustic, IVTM IIVT, IBI and IAE special features, totaling 1,496,022 euros, and indirect taxes as a tax on buildings, installations and works, amounting to 200 thousand euros, which have examined the evolution of the tax, given what actually collected. "
Revenue under chapter 3 of Rates, Public Prices and other income are calculated largely by reference to the rights recognized in advance of the 2014 budget settlement and appropriate for you to tax ordinances here We have applied the principle of distancing criterion of maximum prudence, and we have taken into account the revenue actually collected at the year end date, in this case to date we have recorded.
Initial forecasts contained in Chapter 4 of Income Current Transfers, were calculated based on the monthly amounts paid in 2014 "provide higher amounts for 2015," concluded the mayor of Finance of the City of White.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca