Starting tomorrow, Sunday, and until 27 April, the White Township celebrates its festivities in honor of San Roque.
At 5 and a half in the afternoon, return to the Patron Saint of your stay Lenten procession in the chapel to celebrate a week of festivities that will have the Pilgrimage (Friday 25), the Offering of Flowers and Fruits (Saturday 26) and Parade Floats (Sunday 27) as main events of the festive week.
After the procession, the Victoria Theatre will host the ceremony of coronation of the homecoming queen, at 19.30 hours, which will include the reading of the Proclamation of festivities by Eduardo Sanchez.
Between acts, it also highlights the performance of the singer Pablo Lopez perform at the theater blanqueño his latest album 'Eleven stories and a piano, Saturday 26 at 10 pm.
SUNDAY, 20 ABRIL14: 00H.
Strakes and rockets shot announcing the start of the Festival of Primavera.17: 30H.
Crowning of the homecoming queen and her court of honor.
Proclamation of the Festival by Mr. Eduardo Sánchez Molina.
Panocho by Emilio Soler.
Location: Theatre Victoria.MARTES, APRIL 22.
NIÑO11 DAY: 00H.
Things Fair.
All day trips 1 € .17:00 H.
Continued fairground.
III De Tapas and Cocktail San Roque.17: 00H.
Drilo The Gang at the Victoria Theatre presents the musical, "THE ADVENTURES OF TIGER threatened."
Early Entry 7 €, € 10 at the door THURSDAY, 24 ABRIL.19. 00H.
Parade of Pipe Band Macicandú.19: 30H.
Parade Queens and Ladies of Honor of Fiestas.21: 00H.
Friendship Theatre represents "GO DAY".
Location: Victoria Theatre.
€ 3 donation to benefit the White AnguillaraVIERNES Cultural Association, 25 ABRIL7: 00H.
Traditional parades Uncle Pita.7: 30H.
Mass in the Parroquia.8: 00H.
Pilgrimage of San Roque11: 00H.
Mass in honor of our Patron San Roque in the chapel, officiated by José Martí Carbonell, parish priest and sung by the Choral Group and Rondalla de la Peña "El Ciecón" .19:00 H.
Procession San Roque, accompanied by The Informal and Uncle of pita.SÁBADO, 26 ABRIL.13: 00H.
Medieval Market Opening.
Location: Calle José Antonio.14: 00H.
Regional dances by Peña Huertana "the able".
Then tasting paella in Municipal17 Park: 00H.
Offering of Flowers and Fruit Pattern Our San Roque, with the participation of Queens and Ladies of the Festival.
Then by the Regional Dance Huertana Peña "El Ciecón".
Departure: Colegio La Milagrosa, Via G. Federico Servet, Painter Pedro Cano and Plaza 18 julio.22: 00H.
Pablo Lopez concert.
Presenting his new album "ONCE AND A PIANO STORIES": Teatro Victoria.
Advanced ticket 12 €.
Box office: 15 € DOMINGO, 27 ABRIL.18: 00H.
Spectacular parade of floats with parades, brass bands and much animación.22: 00H.
Weekend Traca Fiestas.Durante the Spring Festival, the exhibition will run "Blanca project XXI Century: A Look at Yesterday." Location: Museum of Water and Light.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca