The White Patron Saint's Festivities already have their Queens.
The Victoria Theater hosted the gala of election of the Juvenile and Children's Queen of the 2017 Festivities. The event, enlivened by Zarissa's ballet, had six young women who chose a young queen and fifteen girls a children's queen , Who presented themselves with the illusion of being chosen to represent their town during the patron saint festivities celebrated in honor of San Roque by double entry, in April and August.
After several passes where the candidates presented themselves and paraded, María Luisa Candel and Arantxa Monerri, presenters of the gala, announced the verdict of the jury, formed by different local associations and two representatives of the dance group 'Rompe el Ritmo', which They named Nuria María Zapata Molina as Queen of the Party and Leya Aullón Ruiz as the Children's Queen of the White Holidays.
The Coronation of the Queens will be on April 16, the day in which the Court of Ladies of Honor will be invested with their corresponding band.
On that same day, Blanca will begin her patron saint festivities that will have the Pilgrimage and the Offering of Fruits and Flowers in honor of its Patron, San Roque, as main events next to the parade of floats on Sunday 23 April, which will end the same.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca