Blanca already has crier for his Holy Week.
The Cabildo of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods has unanimously chosen that José Antonio López Ríos be the Preacher of Holy Week 2017. The act of reading the proclamation will be held on Saturday, April 1 at the Victoria Theater.
López Ríos currently holds the position of Vocal of Formation and Communication in the Brotherhood of San Juan Evangelista, to which he belongs since he was a child.
In addition, it is Cofrade of the Reclining Christ of Murcia, with which it processes every Holy Saturday.
José Antonio (Blanca July 1971) is the eldest of two brothers and has worked for 16 years as a caretaker in the radiology department of the Morales Meseguer Hospital in Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca