Members of the Infomur Plan to fight forest fires in the Murcia Region are located in Cañada Isidro, in the municipality of Blanca, where a forest fire has broken out.The 1-1-2 received calls at 7:10 p.m.
communicating that a stubble burning was spreading towards the mountain.
To the place they have mobilizedFirefighters of the Consortium for Fire Extinction and Rescue of the Region of Murcia (10 firefighters and 5 extinction vehicles)Environmental agents and 3 forestry brigades2 helicopters with firefighting technician 2 heliborne forestry brigade plus coordination helicopter.20.53 h.
Extinguishing technician declares the fire stabilized.
One of the helicopters with its brigade retires, as well as the coordination one and one of the forestry brigades.
Volunteers of Civil Protection of the Ricote Valley take charge of the provisioning of the intervening parties.21.24 h.
Extinguishing technician declares the fire under control.
The remaining heli-transported forest brigade returns to its base and environmental agents, 2 forest brigades and the CEIS firefighters remain at the site
Source: 112RM