| The Department of Commerce and Finance present the Plan for Dynamization of Commerce and Local Restoration “Blanca, mi comercio” | This aims to position Blanca as a commercial municipality and attract a higher percentage of expenses to the small commerce and restoration of our municipality.Along with the measures already adopted to reduce the garbage rate, suspension of the rate of occupation of public spaces until 2021, suspension of the fee for administrative concessions and others, the following measures are established:Call for subsidies for those works and acquisitions to condition the premises of shops and establishments to the requirements imposed by the authorities in relation to COVID.
19.Creation of a Secure Trade mark against COVID-19.Recruitment of a Local Portal for online sales that can group all Blanca's retail trade.Creation of a Promotional Voucher in the purchase in Blanca establishments to exchange them in any commerce of the municipality.Aid plan for new businesses, an increase in staff and new investments through the Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Ordinance.Boost to the Blanca Merchants Association: image, promotion and awareness campaign in audiovisual and digital media.Maintain agility in the payment to suppliers in less than 15 days to give liquidity to companies that work for the City Council.We will continue working on new measures, listening to the groups and sectors affected by the health crisis.All this will be carried out with the prior request and approval of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, which is the one that has assumed the powers of commerce, as stated in the Statute of Autonomy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Blanca